AmigaActive (1464/2143)

From:Dale Hemenway
Date:22 May 2000 at 01:53:23
Subject:Re: The Lost Cat

Hello Kevin

On 21-May-00, Kevin Twyman wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> On 21-May-00, you wrote:
>>> Lost Cat' directory. It crashes every time at the animation of the
>>> old ladys feet coming down the stairs. I guess that my 040/40
>>> machine just doesn't have enough memory (32Mb). TBH I have never
>>> had much luck with your animations. Probably for the same reason.
>>> It's very frustrating:(
>> Mine does the same, had to mess around to assign, and then to find
>> it to crash midway, I'm using 040/25 with 48mb ram, I wonder just
>> how much ram it needs ;) Very frustrating indeedy ;)
> That's a shame, as the anim is very good.

Kevin, you must stop flattering me like this. No, on second thoughts...carry
on, I like it!

> I'm running it on 060 with
> 148MB, through a PicassoIV, and it is full screen.
> It could be a chipmem problem, due to the heavy usage of samples
> and graphics - you may get away with reverting to a screen with fewer
> colours, closing a few apps etc?

Yes, I definitely think this is the problem. On my opening screen I do warn
that as much chipmem as possible must be left free. The problem is that all
the sound samples have to be loaded into Chipmem and if not enough is
then Scala simply won't load and play the sound. In extreme cases it maybe
causes the anim to crash which could be the problem people have encountered.

The anims aren't that large and are fairly simple - certainly not Disney!!
I only have 48MB. I asked my Brother to try and play the anim from AACD8
after people mentioned this problem. He has 64MB I think and called me back to
say it ran fine. He recommended copying it to HD as the anims load much
faster this way. Obviously you will have to make an assign, or
alternatively, temporarily rename one of your HD partitions as TheLostCat
and copy all the LostCat files from AACD8 to this partition to view.

It is frustrating if people have problems viewing my anims. Frustrating for me
too as it means I've wasted a lot of time if nobody views the things.

I hope people get to see it now and like the excerpt as the kids and I spent a
lot of time on it. Ian Fairbairn who was in 'Timeslip' years ago ( anyone
that?) and Dr. Who, The Avengers etc very kindly did the narration for free
my mate at work, Bruce, was good enough to edit the VHS version in his lunch
breaks so there was quite a team effort to get the film finished in the end.

All the best,


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